
The Business in one step service is a series of operations does not finish with the arrival of the orders to the client, but the achievement of complete satisfaction with the customer clients through #after_sale_service and full study and understanding opinions of the customers and their observations, in accordance with the following steps:  
1. Full understanding and documenting the client requests clearly.
2. #Sourcing: Find the best appropriate suppliers where Starts Search within the suppliers are registered with and find new suppliers.
3. Full study the specifications and prices to choose the best supplier.
4. Verification always from the supplier status "even if an old and known supplier to us," according to  #verification_Of_suppliers policy of
5. The explanation of the client requests to the supplier and order a sample for check and test of the relevance of the customer needs ship to the client before contracting, "Optional".
6. Contracting with the supplier via the lawyer to avoid the risks of, and ensure the client rights.
7. Inspection the order and the check the matching specifications.
8. Ship the order by best and suitable way.
9. Follow-up service sale and client impressions, codification to promote positives and avoid the negatives.
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